[OpenMaya] :: MPxLocator Python 2.0 Plugin

Okay following the previous vector posts, I decided to plunge ahead and create a plugin that capitalizes on that knowledge.

Previously, in OpenMaya 1.0, the MPxLocator has been defined by using the draw method by using Open Graphics Library (OpenGL) functions. Maya’s architecture has updated a new method, and I used the OpenMaya.MUIDrawManager class method to do the drawings, making things straight forward. Here, I draw a circle, rectangle and a line; I spent way too much time figuring out the nuances of this plugin.

At first, finding out which MPxLocator examples file work right out of the box has been an issue, except finally, I found this one: uiDrawManager/uiDrawManager.cpp

In addition to finding out how the 2.0 plugins work, I also wanted to learn a bit more on reflection math, and I put that to use in this plugin:

R = 2(N * L) * N – L

Which using Maya’s Python code looks like this:

# define normal vector at origin
normal = OpenMaya.MVector(0.0, 1.0, 0.0)

# get opposing vector through double cross product
opposing_vector = normal * (2 * (normal * input_point))
opposing_vector -= input_point

# now multiply it by the scalar value
opposing_vector *= scale
if as_vector:
   return opposing_vector
   return opposing_vector.x, opposing_vector.y, opposing_vector.z

Maya viewport handles drawing by using the DrawManager, like this:

A circle:

        radius = 2.0
        is_filled = True
        position = OpenMaya.MPoint(0, 0, 0)
        normal = OpenMaya.MVector(0, 1, 0)
        drawManager.circle(position, normal, radius, is_filled)

A rectangle:

        rect_scale_x = 1.0
        rect_scale_y = 1.0
        is_filled = False
        position = OpenMaya.MPoint(0, 0, 0)
        normal = OpenMaya.MVector(0, 0, 1)
        up = OpenMaya.MVector(0, 1, 0)
        # For 3d rectangle, the up vector should not be parallel with the normal vector.
        drawManager.rect(position, normal, up, rect_scale_x, rect_scale_y, is_filled)

A line:

        drawManager.line(OpenMaya.MPoint(0, -1, 0), OpenMaya.MPoint(0, 1, 0))

The reason why I dived into Maya’s Viewport drawing is because I was following Chad Vernon’s excellent C++ series, and his MPxLocator example no longer works in the current Maya 2020 version. The full working code can be found at my GitHub page:

[OpenMaya] :: MFnNurbsCurve.create

Alright, so this one is also lots of fun. We are going to create a NurbsCurve using OpenMaya, with a leading degree of 2 (Quadratic). Remember in the previous post about how I calculated the vectors between the two locator positions? Well this time, we are going to do the same, but creating nurbsCurve. This is because each CV needs a position vector array:.

def get_point_array(points_array, equal_distance=False):
    calculate the positional array object.

    :param points_array:
    :param equal_distance: <bool> calculate the equal distance of CV's
    m_array = OpenMaya.MPointArray()
    if equal_distance:
        array_length = len(points_array)
        for idx, point in enumerate(points_array):
            if idx == 0:
            elif idx >= 1 and idx != array_length - 1:
                prev_p, cur_p, next_p = list_scanner(points_array, idx)
                cur_v = math_utils.Vector(*cur_p)
                prev_v = math_utils.Vector(*prev_p)
                new_vec = math_utils.Vector(cur_v - prev_v)
                new_vec = math_utils.Vector(new_vec * 0.5)
                new_vec = math_utils.Vector(prev_v + new_vec)
            elif idx == array_length - 1:
                prev_p, cur_p, next_p = list_scanner(points_array, idx)
                prev_v = math_utils.Vector(*prev_p)
                next_v = math_utils.Vector(*next_p)
                new_vec = math_utils.Vector(next_v - prev_v)
                new_vec = math_utils.Vector(new_vec * 0.5)
                new_vec = math_utils.Vector(prev_v + new_vec)
                # add two points in the same spot
        for idx, point in enumerate(points_array):
            if idx == 1:
                prev_p, cur_p, next_p = list_scanner(points_array, idx)
                cur_v = math_utils.Vector(*cur_p)
                prev_v = math_utils.Vector(*prev_p)
                new_vec = math_utils.Vector(cur_v - prev_v)
                new_vec = math_utils.Vector(new_vec * 0.5)
                new_vec = math_utils.Vector(prev_v + new_vec)
            elif idx == len(points_array) - 1:
                prev_p, cur_p, next_p = list_scanner(points_array, idx)
                prev_v = math_utils.Vector(*prev_p)
                next_v = math_utils.Vector(*next_p)
                new_vec = math_utils.Vector(next_v - prev_v)
                new_vec = math_utils.Vector(new_vec * 0.5)
                new_vec = math_utils.Vector(prev_v + new_vec)
    return m_array

So above is just a point array collector that recalculates positions from an existing array of positions: Like selected locators or joints. Preferably at world-space co-ordinates. We then take these recalculated positional array into the OpenMaya.MFnNurbsCurve.create function. I wrote this create_curve_from_points function below that uses this:

def create_curve_from_points(points_array, degree=2, curve_name="", equal_cv_positions=False):
    create a nurbs curve from points.
    :param points_array: <tuple> positional points array.
    :param degree: <int> curve degree.
    :param curve_name: <str> the name of the curve to create.
    :param equal_cv_positions: <bool> if True create CV's at equal positions.
    :return: <str> maya curve name.
    knot_length = len(points_array)
    knot_array = get_knot_sequence(knot_length, degree)
    m_point_array = get_point_array(points_array, equal_distance=equal_cv_positions)

    # curve_data = OpenMaya.MFnNurbsCurveData().create()
    curve_fn = OpenMaya.MFnNurbsCurve()
    curve_fn.create(m_point_array, knot_array, degree,
                    False, False)
    m_path = OpenMaya.MDagPath()

    if curve_name:
        parent_obj = object_utils.get_parent_obj(m_path.partialPathName())[0]
        object_utils.rename_node(parent_obj, curve_name)
        return curve_name
    return curve_fn.name()

In the function above, there is a boolean parameter: equal_cv_positions. The default is False. The result of this is creating CV’s at their locator’s positions, like so:

And if the equal_cv_positions is set to True, this is the result:

As you can see, this utility tool is going to become immediately useful. You could already guess at plans use this already!