Blender Add-On : Animation Export And Importer

I’ve spent some time crafting a Blender Add-On that allows me to save animation data onto a JSON file and to read and import that data onto a Blender Object

It was an interesting experience finishing the Add-On, and I’ve learnt a few things:
1. Blender handles Matrix data differently than from Maya
2. I have some understanding of how Blender handles its UI Class objects, the data is shared through convoluted class objects.
3. Before any animation is to be created, Action data-blocks are needed to be created:
Actions – Blender 4.1 Manual, which I’m likening it to MFnAnimCurve node class object in Maya: individual object attributes connected to a type-specific Node: Maya API: MFnAnimCurve Class Reference (

You can grab the add-on on Gumroad here:

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